Wednesday 28 March 2012

Another week.....

Keyka Lou weekly goals
image from
same goals?....

So I didn't completely achieve last weeks goals, it started well and I was super happy with my clutch bags but then I did get distracted making tweed corsages and then even more distracted cutting and pasting lots and lots of wallpaper but it was worth it!

This weeks goals are to finish the 5 door stops I have started cutting pieces for.  

The weather is so gorgeous at the moment that we are trying to make the most of it and spend lots of time out doors, I'm sure it will all change back to the usual drizzle in time for the school holidays next week!


  1. I'm glad you did finish those door stops! They look great.

    1. Thanks Bryanne! Good luck with sewing you grocery bag. I hope that we'll get to see pics :o) x
