Monday 12 March 2012


I LOOOOOOOVE colour and texture.  I suspect that my poor long suffering husband dreams of a plain, calm interior.  To me, the bold mix and match of colour and textures are evocative of  busy, happy family life.  To balance this we try to keep rooms (relatively!) clutter free so that the emphasis is on particular pieces and it doesn't look to busy.
This is a quick snap of some of our scatter cushions...

There are so many inspiring images out on the net.... I LOVE these floor cushions by littlemissloolies on etsy

I wonder what the chances are of me being able to sneak them into the house unnoticed....

A couple of Pip Studio tea towels did find their way into our kitchen (wonder how that happened) 

I think that if my bedroom could look like this I would be a very, very happy girl!


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