Sunday 22 April 2012

A surprise night away....

I haven't posted for a few days but I have been busy!  Sewing lots of little purses and now playing around with some gorgeous new clutch frames.  I have just received the most gorgeous tweed from a new supplier and can't wait to get something made up to show you all!

My husband surprised me with a night away in a nice hotel on Friday, it was Chlo's first time in a hotel and she was as good as gold - I'd forgotten how everybody stops to speak to babies though!

We hit the shops on Saturday - can a girl have too many vest tops?  I think not......

I was given a voucher at Christmas for my favourite shop Judith Glue and have now added this gorgeous cardi in the tweed colourway to my collection from the very talented Hume Sweet Hume sisters.

Right off to the sewing room!  Have a good Sunday x

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